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Use This Little Known Piece Of Free Software
To Stay Motivated
just finding the motivation to make it throug one workout can make a huge
difference. It can really make you or break you. When it comes to motivation,
I'll take every advantage I can get!
I'm sitting here
writing this after just completing a 2 mile run in 39 degree weather. This is
the first time I've done any running since the beginning of winter. Normally,
this would be hard for me to complete due to the fact that I have asthma and
the cold, dry, winter air really does a number on my lungs. A year ago... I
probably would not have made it the whole 2 miles without giving up and walking
at least part of the way. This time though, I made it the full 2 miles
non-stop. But I had a little help....
Was it the
racquetball that kept my lungs in shape over the winter that helped me to
complete the run? Maybe a little... but more importantly, it was my mind that
didn't give out this time. Generally, when we give up on accomplishing any goal
in life... whether it's a long term goal like sticking to a workout program for
a year or a short term goal such as completing a 2 mile run in the cold... our
minds give out way before our abilities. The little insecure voice in our head
says those two words that can crush your rush... "I can't", and we give in and
take the easy way out.
So what is it that
helped me dig down deep inside and pull out the motivation needed to dominate
that run?? A little known piece of free software that I downloaded earlier
today for the specific reason of motivating me to complete my goals. And to my
surprise, it not only worked to motivate me for my initial goal, it also helped
to motivate me to complete my run. I'm still motivated by it to complete the
task of writing this article now!
It's called
Karen's Countdown Timer 2 and you can get a free copy at
It's a free
program that sits on your computer screen and counts down to a specified date
and time that you set. I initially set the timer to count down to a goal I want
to complete in 50 days, 2 hours, 46 minutes, and 2 seconds.... er, 1 seconds...
uh well, you get the idea.
What I found
during my run, is that not only is the thought and mental image of that clock
counting down motivating me for my long term goal, it also motivated me when I
got to the hard part of the run. About halfway though the run, my lungs were
burning, my shin muscles were tightening up, and I just wanted to start walking
more than anything else. Then I thought about the clock ticking down. It became
sort of a metaphor for the "clock of life". You see... I realized that no
matter how many times I stopped moving toward my goal (completing the run) and
"took a break"... that clock was going to keep ticking.... and so was the time
I have in my life. My life isn't just going to pause because the "going gets
tough". The time's going to keep ticking away. So I could either keep pushing
and make the most of my time here... or I could quit and miss out on
accomplishing my goal right then and there. Even if I went back, say tomorrow
night, and completed the run... I still would miss out on completing my goal
that time because once those seconds tick away... they're GONE! No getting 'em
That mental image
of those ticking seconds was enough to make me dig down and pull out the effort
needed to complete my run. I've still got the ticking clock in front of me and
it's motivating me to complete my long term goal I initially downloaded it for
as well... So download a copy and give it a try. Hopefully, it can motivate you