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Weight Gain Tips for Natural Bodybuilders

Some natural bodybuilders find it very hard to gain the extra weight needed to feel good about themselves. After several years of fluctuation in weight and hitting walls in weight gain, a person can feel burned out and very frustrated with trying to add extra weight. With all of these letdowns it can be very easy to give up and let your high metabolism set you apart from your dream body. Here are some weight gain tips for natural bodybuilders.

Weight gain can actually be quite easy if it is done in the right fashion and a person really is determined to change their figure. Weight gain can be done with supplementation, a lot of food, and a very strict weight training routine. Supplementation is a very important part of gaining weight. The most recommended supplement is protein shakes. Protein shakes are a very easy way to acquire the extra amount of protein needed to rebuild your fatigued muscles. The best time to take these shakes is up to the user but for best results one must include a shake before and after every workout.

Another supplement that can aid in the building of muscle is creatine. Creatine is a very powerful mass gaining aid. In some weight gain plans this may be an option. Although weight can easily be attained by adding water, some side effects may be present, such as acne, or an over active bladder. Amino acid supplements are also very good in a weight gain plan. If supplemented along with a protein shake, the amino acids can rebuild the growing muscle even faster, resulting in greater gains.

Food is probably the most important ingredient in any weight gain plan, but one thing people often overlook is that there are times when it is more critical to eat than others. In order to gain weight your body needs to be fueled with calories all day long. Your meals should be separated into 4-5 meals with small snacks in between meals. The most important time to eat is within 30 minutes of finishing your workout. In these 30 minutes after your workout, your body is starving for replacement of the nutrients it expelled during your workout. Eating seems like the easiest part of this plan but it will be the toughest. Sometimes you don't feel like eating but just remember … that tuna sandwich or that bowl of oatmeal is another stepping stone towards your weight goal.

A weight training routine is also very critical to your success for adding additional weight. Doing your core exercises such as bench-press, squats, and dead lift, gives off irreplaceable growth hormones causing your gains to skyrocket. Also in your routine, lift heavy weights within the 5-8 rep range. Remember that when putting together a workout routine your goal is to shock your body. Do this by changing the order of your exercises and the speed of your reps.

The road to your weight gain goal is a long tough road but the path is cleared. Hard work and determination is a must for anything worth it in life. Your dream body is well within your reach, keep your eye on the goal and remember when that last drink of protein shake seems to taste terrible, or that last rep while squatting seems too tough, it's all part of achieving something.  Implement the weight-gain tips I've given you and once you realize you can change your body your confidence will skyrocket. You will realize that life is just like natural bodybuilding - you have to WORK if you want to achieve your goals.

Copyright 2007, Masszymes Inc. All rights reserved.

Bio – Brandon Pennock is a natural bodybuilder who has used the Freaky Big Naturally Training System with great success. Join him by going to and you'll learn about weight-gain, training routines, weight-gain and much more. You'll also get 5 FREE Bodybuilding videos.

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